nk and khushi steps out of la's room...they almost reach the doors when they hear someone calling Khushi...they turn around and are stunned to see Arnav coming to wards them !!!!!
Arnav:NK...are u going to drop Khushi back...let me do it NK...I will drop her...stay at home...I need to talk to Khushi !!!!...its time to make amends !!!!
NK and Khushi stood flabbergasted at ASR...they didnt know how to react...NK nodded...words failing him...ASR grabbed his chance and turned to Khushi...he took her hand and slipped an arm around her waist...
Arnav:Khushi...let me drop u back...I also want to talk to u...come on sweetheart...lets go !!!! 
with that Arnav took a stunned Khushi outside...
Khushi's heart was hammering...threatening to jump out of her body...in all her tension she couldnt help noticing that Arnav's grip on her was endearingly passionate...she looked at his handsome face and was momentarily lost in his eyes...
Arnav though angry @ Khushi for making him a cheat in front of his family couldnt help admiring her beauty and how perfectly her body moulded against his !!!! 
arnav was taking khuhsi towards the car when anjali sees them like this...
anjali:roko chotte...
khushi:di woh..
arnav:di i know i did wrong but what can i do i and khuhsi had a mu..
and di promise i dint knew that khuhsi was preg...
or wud have never fought with my love..
right baby??
khushi was fully shocked..
anjali:i am soo happy chotte u are trying to make things better.but its late and we khushi stays in hostel..but this condition i think u shud here right now...
and tom we all will leave for rm..
we will discuss all this tom only...
Arnav's heart was doing a tango now...his Di unknowingly had helped his plan of further trapping Khushi !!!!
he grabbed Khushi back into the house...he turned to his Di...
Arnav:Di...am taking Khushi to my room for sometime...I need to talk to her Di and then we will meet u downstairs !!!!
with that he took her to his room and shut the door and turned to Khushi...Khushi was like a cat who had just fallen into boiled water !!!!...she had never felt more terrified in her life !!!...well Khushi time to continue with my act thought ASR !!!!
Arnav:Khushi am really sorry...it was a momentary indiscretion thatwe had...if I had known earlier that u were pregnant then I would never have gone ahead with the roka !!!!!...Khushi we have no other option left...lets get engaged...I promise u that I will always keep u happy !!!!
Khushi was too shocked...wat was she hearing...y was he admitting to somethin that he didnt do...y was he holding onto her !!!!!
how could she deny everythin now...it meant admitting that she had framed him falsely...suddenyl she noticed ASR moving towards her with a predatory gait and a sexy smirk on his face...
Arnav couldnt help noticing the blush that creeped into her rosy cheeks...he had never loved La...he was only ready to marry her for his Di...but with Khushi he felt different...true this girl framed him but she was doing it for her friend...but now he really didnt mind having her as his wife...infact he would love to make her his !!!!!
but that would have to wait...he wasnt done with his prank yet !!! 
khuhsi that might be was playing with her did he knew abt the plan...
no he cant know one knew abt nk and la...
but what going on..
and khushi if he is playing u can too...
but khuhsi was gtting scared the effect he had ...the effect when he touched her,,
khushi:i need time ...
and khushi turns to leave..
arnav:khuhsi how old is our baby...
khushi:what ?? waht baby??
and arnav points towards her tummy...
arnav:our baby dear...
khuhsi:hmm uwoh woh...one month...
arnav:hmmm so 8 more months baby...
and khsuhi leaves...
arnavb opens his drwer and take sthe pic out..
which khushi showed to his sis...
arnav:miss khushi kumari gupta...
arnav:aman i want to u to find evrysingle detail of khushi kumari guta...
before morning understood...
ya mail me them...
next day ASR waited for Aman's call...suddenly he was alerted by the beep in his phone...apparently Aman had sent his mail with Khushi's details !!!!
Arnav scanned through the details and found that she was from a respectable family...had an elder sister named Payal...daughter to Shashi and Garima...as he scanned the details his eyes widened in shock...apparently Khushi's aprents had died in an accident and she was adopted by the Guptas...his heart went out to her...after all he knew the pain of being an orphan...thanx to his Di...he had never missed out on his mother's love !!!!
Khushi appeared like his godsend...angel send down just for him...well Khushi Kumari Gupta...u are dfntly mine now !!!!
Arnav went down and that sight that met his eyes warmed him...Di was fussing over Khushi...trying to get her to eat...making her rest...enquiring abt her family...etc
but he k ew this was wrong and one look @ Khushi confirmed his thoughts...Khushi looked laden down with guilt...she had done this to help her friend but now her act was giving hopes to a lot of innocent ppl...he knew he had to end her misery soon !!!!
he cleared his throat to alert the ladies of his prescence !!!!
Arnav: Di...can I talk to Khushi for sometime...Di I need to finalise a few matters before talking to U about this !!!
Anjali:sure chottey...its time we settled things...talk to Khushi and decide fast...coz we have to soon go and meet khushi's parents to ask them for their daughter's hand !!!!
Khushi listened to this convo with increasing trepidation...she couldnt see a way out through her predicament !!!!!
she followed Arnav silently to her room...lost in her thoughts !!!!
she didnt realsie when she had entered or when he had closed the door behind her...
Arnav looked at her petite figure and couldnt stop himself from pulling her into his arms...Khushi was suddenly aware of his grip around her...she slowly turned around to face him...his eyes startled her...she could see pure sincere passionate love for her in those brown smoldering depths of his eyes..
.she knew it was time to stop the game and come out of it !!!!
khushi:dont think mr raizada what u are trying to do..
u want me to tell ur family the truth na..but dont think...
i will do that..
and abt ur di. what she ssaid my family dont even dare to drag them...
arnav:khuhsi and came more closer...
khhsi:let game begin mr raizada...
now see what i do,...
and abt be being ur let me tell u i love my bf...
and goes frm there...
This is one of the best drama i ever want: